Tuesday 12 October 2010

The Business of the 21st Century - Robert Kiyosaki's Newest Thoughts

If you're looking to learn everything about personal wealth and maintaining independence then check out Robert Kiyosaki. He's written tons of books over the topic, but his most successful work revolves around RICH DAD POOR DAD.
This was all about networking marketing being the business of the 21st century in his eyes. In fact, he actually believes that it's arguably the most helpful all-time.
It's the reason he actually came out with a new release entitled; "The Business of the 21st Century."This is actually pretty accurate when you consider all the people who are amassing wealth from online businesses through network marketing.
Keep in mind; it didn't actually begin in the 21st century, and has actually been around for a long time. We're talking decades here, but the longevity alone is enough to make any newcomer feel more comfortable about the concept. When Kiyosaki goes through his thoughts you can clearly see how this type of opportunity associates with the business models of the 21st century.

No matter how you look at it, network marketing and the internet opens the door to anyone. If you're disabled, don't have a vehicle, can't find a job, or just need more money it's possible through this avenue. If you're unfamiliar with network marketing it's all about people selling a product or service. You can earn commissions through facilitating a sale, creating a downline, and doing this through recruiting. When those individuals make sales you earn additional money. Best of all you don't have to go business to business or face to face, because the internet provides plenty of people looking for these types of opportunities. The information found in; The Business of the 21st Century also revolves around a much needed formula. Even though it's hard work it's a lot easier than the old methods.

One of the biggest benefits to all this is the lack of overhead that is needed. So instead of being in a major hole before you get started you're already ahead of the game. The money that would normally be used on overhead can be used on advertising and promotion instead. You also have to understand that the structure of this type of business is pretty easy to put in place. Do you know anyone that would pass up this sort of cash flow potential with an easy to manage business wrapped around it? It's possible that network marketing could be the Business of the 21st Century as his book suggests. Since we are definitely an internet driven society, these decades of network marketing truly is a modern day success story for anyone.

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