Monday 18 October 2010

Cost of natural famous traitor: "Say It"

Artist: Born Ruffians
Album: Say It
Issue: Warp Records (UK) Paper Bag (CA)

Recently released film "to accompany her to see the world collapse scene", not only is a Canadian indie band Broken Social Scene's performance documentary also shows the local pop music or independent development path; in the Broken Social Scene, The Constantines, and The Hidden Cameras in Canada in recent years have become independent, the representation of rock music after the noun, the lead singer Luke LaLonde, led by the trio Born Ruffians, who two years ago a virgin for "Red Yellow & Blue" dominate the time available.

With excellent voice, and lead singer gorgeous fancy playing the guitar riff, Born Ruffians, not only in Toronto quickly became popular, the work also won the British avant-garde music label Warp Records of all ages, becoming the new signed Warp Indie Rock's new blood ; "Red Yellow & Blue" album in NME, Drowned In Sound, Pitchfork praised the strong can be said that under the invincible, the song has also appeared in the British <Hummingbird> youth series "Skins" and the Australian car ads inside. Two years later, the band second album "Say It" available the situation is somewhat different.

If only two albums from Pitchfork for the evaluation, from 8.0 to 3.8 points such a large gap, it should not be difficult to imagine Born Ruffians This time back, and not as amazed as two years ago; but any evaluation of the appraisal can only be for reference only , fans need not worry too much, "Say It" still has many attractions. Record probably somewhat similar style of presentation of the album cover design, like a living out of being cut or bizarre bizarre collage melody and rhythm, Luke LaLonde some of the songs have become sophisticated, with plants reminiscent of fellow back Jamie Lidell The Nu-Soul accent. Is no longer a smooth straight, exactly the same independent guitar pop tunes, the track <What To Say> seemed to change course once the music experiment; level, such as <Come Back> these songs, blues and soul music was turned to learn . <Oh Man> reads like eight or nine O's music for many Hollywood films episode, although some old bread, but not lose its hearty character.

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