Saturday 16 October 2010

Musings on Katy Perry, Cee Lo Green and The Summer Anthem Phenomenon

Ahh Summer... a leisurely time for dripping ice cream cones, greasy sunblock and those saccharin sweet Pop songs that score the yearbook of your Summer memories. Now that Summer 2010 is starting to resemble Don Henley's break-up song comparing Summer flings to the waning days of a baseball season Boys Of Summer, a thought has popped into my head (yes, it happens occasionally) - Why do we need Poppy soundtracks to memorialize the warmest months of the year?
It's been a really long time since Summer Vacation meant having a few months off between semesters. After a while we grow up and discover that work knows no Summer Vacation aside from sacrificing a few of the allotted and much coveted vacation days at your place of employment (what a gyp!), but alas we still latch onto those comforting anthems of Summer. Here's my take on a couple of the most popular tunes streaming on iPods across the country immortalizing the Summer of 10':
Katy Perry's Synth Pop toe tapper California Gurls is an inescapable force on top 40 radio right now. Her Candy Land canvassed video seems to be the thing of nightmares unless you think clowns are cute. This video is definitely worth a YouTube browse, people. The synopsis of the music video would go something like this: "I had the WEIRDEST dream last night! I was trapped in this crazy candy hell where the gummy bears flip you off... and then Snoop Dogg showed up as the pimp of the dancing candy mamas and started rapping!" I live in California and I'm a girl but this stuff never happens to me, luckily. Somehow it doesn't all add up, but it sure is catchy!
Cee Lo Green's mixed messaged hit F**k You is sweeping the nation. This uplifting dose of booty shaking retro Soul is quite inviting until you realize that it's a bitter dialog toward all of the blinged out Hoochie Mamas who have dissed him based on his lack of Benjamins (although I have a feeling that being light on funds will not be Cee Lo's problem anymore). Upon first listen you find yourself grooving along and then a stark realization hits you that this song ain't about bunnies and flowers as the music would suggest. It's like receiving a bouquet of roses with razor blades hidden in the folds of the petals. You don't know whether to dance along or shout the profane epithet back at him. It's very confusing.
After all of this pondering, I guess Summer is a time for revisiting the innocence of our youth. Music makes everyone happy (unless you were born with no heart), so it all makes sense that the upbeat bouncy tunes stand as an eternal parallel landmark to the time we allow ourselves to let loose. Now that school is officially back in session, all that's left to do is watch some football and brace ourselves for those crisp Autumn evenings. And bust out a nice rendition of Autumn Leaves.

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